divendres, 31 de gener del 2014

competèncias basicas

Hi auntie , How are you ? i hope you're well . I`m writing to tell you about my new friend . My new friend is Esteva. He is 16 years old.He is from París . He has got blue eys, hear welow and tall . He likes playing football , ridea an cars .His pet is a cat is Ninu and a dog Charlot . His hobbies is play fotbel animal , ridea a boook and go withs his friends/Last weekend I gat up a 11 o'clock and breakfast and do homework a 2 o'clok lunch and do homework at 4 o'clok went whiths my friend and went a watch a movie , 6 o'clock went a ate and snack and take pictures and went to play football and I finally went home to be supari and went to 10 o'clock to 1 o'clock friwnd sold went to sleep.

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