divendres, 31 de gener del 2014


 Oh, I just wanna take you anywhere that you like 

Oh,jo només vull portar-te allà on vulguis 

We can go out any day any night
 Podem anar-hi  qualsevol dia qualsevol nit
Baby I'll take you there take you there

 Nena et portaré allà, t'hi portaré

Baby I'll take you there, there  
nena et portaré allà , t'hi portaré

Oh tell me tell me tell me how to turn your love on

 Oh digues digues digues-me com aconseguir el teu amor

You can get get anything that you want

pots tenir el que tu vulguis

Baby just shout it out shout it out
nena només has de cridar-ho , cridar-ho

Baby just shout it out
nena només has de cridar-ho
And if you

i si tu
You want me to

m'estimes tambe
Lets make a move, yeah

fem dons el nostre moviment, ei
So tell me girl if every time we touch

Sí, així que digue'm, nena, si cada cop que ens toquem

You get this kinda rush.
 Aconsegueixes aquesta febra

 Let me say yea a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah
Nena, digues: sí, sí, sí

 If you don't wanna take this slow
Si no t'ho vols prendre lentament

 If you just wanna take me home
Si nomes vols portar-me a casa

 Let me say yeah a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah
Deixa'm dir-te: sí, sí, sí

 And let me kiss you
I deixa'm petonejar-te

Oh baby, baby don't you know you got what I need

Oh, nena, nena no saps que tens el que necessito

Lookin' so good from your head to your feet
Veient-te així tan maca de cap a peus

 C'mon come over here over here
Vinga anem-hi, vine aquí,

 C'mon come over here yeah
Vinga anem-hi, vine aquí, sí

Oh I just wanna show you off to all of my friends

Oh, només vull ensenyar-te totes les meves amistat
 Makin' them drool down their chiney chin chins
Vull que babegin per la teva pell 

 Baby be mine tonight, mine tonight
nena  sigues meva aquesta nit ,.aquesta nit sigues meva 

Baby be mine tonight yeah

nena sigues meva si

And if you
i si tu 

You want me too

que m'estimes 

Lets make a move, yeah

ferem el moviment si 

So tell me girl if every time we touch

Sí, així que digue'm, nena, si cada cop que ens toquem

You get this kinda rush.
 Aconsegueixes aquesta febra

 Let me say yea a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah
Nena digues si si si 

 Let me say yea a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah
Nena, digues: sí, sí, sí

 If you don't wanna take this slow
Si no t'ho vols prendre lentament

 If you just wanna take me home
Si nomes vols portar-me a casa

 Let me say yeah a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah
Deixa'm dir-te: sí, sí, sí

And let me kiss you
i besem

Let me kiss you


Let me kiss you


Let me kiss you


Let me kiss you


Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na

So tell me girl if every time we touch

Sí, així que digue'm, nena, si cada cop que ens toquem

You get this kinda rush.
 Aconsegueixes aquesta febra

 Let me say yea a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah
Nena digues si si si 

 Let me say yea a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah
Nena, digues: sí, sí, sí

 If you don't wanna take this slow
Si no t'ho vols prendre lentament

 If you just wanna take me home
Si nomes vols portar-me a casa

 Let me say yeah a yeah a yeah yeah a yeah
Deixa'm dir-te: sí, sí, sí

competèncias basicas

Hi auntie , How are you ? i hope you're well . I`m writing to tell you about my new friend . My new friend is Esteva. He is 16 years old.He is from París . He has got blue eys, hear welow and tall . He likes playing football , ridea an cars .His pet is a cat is Ninu and a dog Charlot . His hobbies is play fotbel animal , ridea a boook and go withs his friends/Last weekend I gat up a 11 o'clock and breakfast and do homework a 2 o'clok lunch and do homework at 4 o'clok went whiths my friend and went a watch a movie , 6 o'clock went a ate and snack and take pictures and went to play football and I finally went home to be supari and went to 10 o'clock to 1 o'clock friwnd sold went to sleep.