divendres, 28 de març del 2014

New:Angry cat

  -what ?Their seven-month-old baby was attacked by the family’s cat.                       
   -who?American family.
   -where?in American

   -when?19-03-2014 15:00

   -how  ?

however-->  no obstant


tourist interview

where are you from?
Is it the first time that you are in Spain ?
How did you come here ? By plane , ship or train ?
Why are you in Barcelona ?
How long are you going to stay ther ?
Are you travelling whit family or friends?
What have you visit up to now? 
what do you you like the most?
Have you bought present?
do you know any word in Catalan or Spanish ?
Have you tried any typical Shanis or Catalan food?
Do you think Barcelona is expensive ?
Do you see any diferences from your country ?
Is ther antything you don't like ?
Woud you recommend Barcelona to your family or friends?
will you come back again ?

divendres, 7 de març del 2014

romeo and juliet parts 1-3


 juliet speaks to Romeo on balcony of her home
trybalt is an aritis with his sword 
the love is blind  
the lovers are fools fools 
juliet have a glover  
the plamts are poisonos 
mercutco did of scratch

 friar are are who married a Romeo and Juliet
 tybel challeng romeo who
cell is room for friar
the capulet's hate Montague's 

famous sentences
 juliet to romeo.Una rosa pot tenir qualsevol nom. Sempre fa una olor dolça
                           A rose can have any name. It always smells sweet

friar lawrence to Romeo.els enamorats son tonots
                                          the lovers are fools

nurse to juliet.M'encanteria veure la juliet casada . Tindràs dies feliços i nit felices 
                      I'd love to see Juliet married. You will have happy days and happy night