divendres, 28 de febrer del 2014


donar-ho tot i demanar sense retorn, molt aviat veurà i vostè començarà a aprendre

free post

In my life I'm enjoy every moment .For my the very inportan is spend time with friends.When I'm with my friends I enjoy, are very important for me, I  know I can count on them for as required by  and they can count on me.Make photos with them, walk around town, we had fun in the summer we bike to the beach.never forget that I spent with them and are currently in forget  will oppose it for me and for them too without my friends would be nothing. For me they are the best.We have gone through good and bad times we even discussed but one of the san is that we can not be forgiven without speaking.

my friends

One of my passions are my friends because  have fun when we are together ,are always by your side ,
can you tell them at any time , are honest ,
with most of us know from childhood

divendres, 14 de febrer del 2014


When was William Shakespeare born?Was born in 1564

Where was Shakespeare born?He borned in Stratford upon Avon

How many play did Shakespeare write? He wrote 38 play

How many sonnets did Shakespeare write?He wrote 154  sonnets

What's the name of the Shakespeare theatre in London ? the name of the Shakespear theatre un London is a The Globe Theatre

To be or not to be, that is the question? is from which play?is from which hamlet