divendres, 29 de novembre del 2013

my favorite horror movie

what's  your favorite horror movie/series?
on of the horror movi I like orphan 

It was released in. 2009

I watches it this summer with my friends (when,weher,whit,who)
it's a story about After losing a family girl he hopes to one adopted. Derera their looks sweet and gentle nature hides a dark secret.

for me, the best part is when the adopting parents

soudtrak?special effects?actor ad actress the plot?the end?

divendres, 8 de novembre del 2013


1.Who's the master of suspense ?
Hitchcock's lasting influence on filmmakers , particulary in the genres of horror and suspense 
2.What is his most famous horror film ?
 The Paradine Case, 1947
3.What type of characters did he often use in horror film ?
horror an suspens 
4.What did he do for the frist time with the camera to creat more suspense ?

the gothic novel

1.Who invented the G.N ?
The gothic novel was inventide almost single-handedly 
2.What was the first G.N ?
whose the castleof otrano

3.When was it first published ?
Walpole's novel was imited not only in the eighteenth century and not only in the novel form , but is it has influenced the novel , the story , poertry , and even film marking up the present day 
 4.Which basic elements of horror didn't you include on your list ?
I didn't include :
     -miusic fanny